As a singer in the AVHC you will be guaranteed fun, friends, excellent instruction, and challenging music of all kinds!  You will develop your musicianship and singing skills and be part of an amazing and dedicated group of young people who love making music together as much as you do!

Auditions will be held virtually this year, starting in late May!

Singers this year will be given a choice to audition live with Heather with “ZOOM” or submit a prerecorded video. 

Zoom Audition Info Video:

Pre-recorded Audition Info Video:

Download our Brochure (PDF 1.3MB)

How do I sign up?

Register for an audition using the online form.

What Happens in an Audition?

The audition is a friendly musical interview!  If you choose a “Zoom” audition, we will meet online, have a chat, then sing a few vocal warm ups and some exercises together.  These include echoing melodies and clapping rhythms, pattern recognition and sight singing. (No experience with sight singing required for admission for - it is only for assessment of level for instruction)

If you choose to send a pre-recorded video, follow the instructions in the video above.

What piece do I sing?

Junior and Intermediate Choir: Sing "O Canada" acapella (no piano) (In key of D or E Flat)  

Senior Choir: Sing a prepared piece of music of your choice a capella (no piano) - Choose something you feel comfortable with - can be folk songs, musical theatre, pop, or even singing O Canada is a great choice.

Fees (2020-21 Season)

Junior Choir: $350
Intermediate Choir: $440
Senior Choir: $475

Fees include:
Full year tuition, junior/intermediate choir literacy program supplies and instruction, music and folder, choir bag, uniforms (1 formal rental, 1 casual, plus t-shirt), camp weekend accommodation and food, workshops with guest clinicians, end of year banquet and more!!  

For more information on fees and payment plans see the chorister handbook.  Bursaries are available for singers in need.  Information and the application can be found here.

Need more info?

AVHC Coordinator:
Vanessa Gennette